Congressional Scouting and Recruiting


The representation of a constituency is among the most important and noble tasks a citizen of our country can perform.  All 535 seats in Congress need to be populated with our best and brightest to ensure a strong and vibrant democracy.


The NCCA will test, background check, evaluate and provide recommendations for candidates and endorsing groups.

Know someone to whom we should speak ?

We welcome your recommendation of an associate or local leader that you think is up to the task of representing your district.

Interested yourself ?

We can help you decide if running for a congressional seat with our support is possible.  Our first goal is to bring a qualified challenger to every incumbent primary across the country.  

Candidate Inquiry

Please include the following items in your message: 1. State & District 2. Party Affiliation 3. Primary Opponent 4. A brief description of why you want to seek office and how you will provide better leadership.

National Coalition for Congressional Accountability